Moving Women, Paris (France), Galerie Danysz

2019 April 13 - May 16

Group show with Shaun Gladwell, Dana Hoey, Clare Langan, Erwin Olaf, Yapci Ramos, Mario Rizzi and Lee Yanor.
Curators: Magda Danysz and Barbara Polla.

Women in motion, moving women, women who are in motion, impressive, inspiring. Or how women are represented in artiststxt_quote_single_close videos and films today, in 2019: self-assured for the most part, but also hesitant, expressing varying degrees of confidence and of existential doubt, as Laurent Fiévet explains in relation to his series Whistle. MOVING WOMEN brings together international artists: female, male, established or emerging, and non-hierarchical women figures in their utter complexity and diversity. Whether this diversity is inter-individual or intercultural, the focus on MOVING WOMEN implicitly takes women’s history into account, and adopts a perspective that is thoughtful, even loving, rather than critical. When artists’ creativity joins that of women and their capacity to create themselves, they are “set in motion” more than ever.

A great deal of diversity can be witnessed in this selection of works, from the proud freedom of Natalia (Yapci Ramos) to the moving fight against fate represented by Mario Rizzi in Al Inthitar; from physical toughness (Dana Hoey, Fighters) to the total sweetness of the mother-child relationship (Clare Langan), and from bearers of memory to bearers of light (Shaun Gladwell, Lee Yanor). Whether standing or in immersion, of tomorrow or of yesterday, these women are all “Fucking Beautiful” – according to the title of a previous exhibition, Video only, women only, at the Danysz gallery. And because video is the most contemporary art form, images are constantly in motion, just like “Moving Women”.

Erwin Olaf’s iconic work Moving Portraits takes a particularly tender look at women’s ability to generate emotion / e-motion. Each female model in this moving photographic series made in Shanghai comes to life and turns to whomever looks at her: « Love me, look at me… ». A desire that seemingly remains deeply feminine. But in reality, it is first and foremost, deeply human.
Love me!
Barbara Polla

Galerie Danysz
78, rue Amelot
75011 Paris
T. + 33 (0)1 45 83 38 51
Tu – Sat : 11 AM – 7 PM.

Copyright © 2016 Laurent Fiévet