Group show with David Altmejd, Johanna K. Becker, Steven Claydon, Björn Dahlem, Koenraad Dedobbelleer, Hedwig Houben, Válerie Mannaerts, Matthew Monahan and Tobias Rehberger.
Curators: Dr. Gail B. Kirkpatrick and Marcus Lütkemeyer.
The group exhibition Solid Liquids in the Kunsthalle Münster investigates two opposing trends in contemporary sculpture. The background to the concept is the observation that an autonomous work concept is becoming dissolved in favour of narrative articulation and thought patterns. If one observes the contemporary sculpture of the last decade, one will notice that, on the one hand, performative, participatory and relational artistic practices are coming to the fore. On the other, however, a new fascination with the sensual aspects of sculpture, such as materiality, design and colour, all the way to stand-alone, context-free creations and presentation on plinths can be observed.
The planned group exhibition has come about as the result of a contentual examination of contemporary positions such as those of Rachel Harrison (USA), David Altmejd and Tobias Rehberger. In view of the forthcoming Sculpture Projects event in Münster in 2017, questions arise concerning the changes in cultural practices in dialogue with the production conditions that exist in the public sphere, with its domination by consumption and privatization. To examine this issue in greater scientific depth, a cooperation exists with Münster University Institute of Art History.
Kunsthalle Münster
Hafenweg 28
48155 Münster (Germany)
Tue to Fri: 2 PM – 7 PM
Sat and Sun: 12 AM – 6 PM.